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Audio-Psycho-Phonology has been the subject of numerous studies. Below are some reputable studies that discuss the effects of this scientific method.

Our studies / research


​“Studies” are mostly viewed as the results of research and scientific work and are always preceded by numerous extensive research projects.
The development of the method according to the principles of Professor Tomatis can so far be divided into ten major periods:


I - 1952 - 1972

1. "Incidences observées dans les lésions auriculaires constatées chez le personnel des bancs d’essai et les professionnels de la voix "[Incidences observed in lesions of the ear of test bench personnel and voice professionals] - Bulletin du Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Médicales of the SFECMAS (Nord-Aviation) - September 1952. 

2. "L’oreille musicale - Le bégaiement, essais de recherche sur sa pathogénie - L’Oreille Directrice - L’audiométrie dynamique - L’audiométrie d’usine - Recherches sur la pathogénie du bégaiement - Correction de la voix chantée” - 1953. [The musical ear - Stuttering, research trials on its pathogenesis - The Dominant Ear - Dynamic audiometry - Workplace audiometry - Research on the pathogenesis of stuttering - Correction of the singing voice - 1953]

3. "Information sur la surdité professionnelle - La sélectivité auditive" – 1954. [Information on Occupational Deafness - Hearing Selectivity - 1954]

4. "L’effet TOMATIS" [The Tomatis Effect] - The relationship between phonation and hearing, and the possibility of correcting both of these essential functions - Professeur Louis Longchambon 

5. "Modifications phonatoires d’origine auditive et applications physiologiques et cliniques" : Académie Nationale De Médecine - Raoul Husson - 4 Juin 1957. [Phonatory modifications of auditory origin and physiological and clinical applications]

6. "Les Mélanges" (the mixes): A collection of multiple studies, reports and investigations - 1952 - 1972.
A collection of fundamental research and studies by Professor Tomatis as well as various studies, research articles and investigations on the Tomatis effect and the laws of Tomatis.

II - University of Potchefstroom, South-Africa
Research in collaboration with the University of Potchefstroom. Publication by Prof. Jaarsveld and Prof. Du Plessis about stuttering problems.

III - University of Toronto, Canada
Research conducted in collaboration with the University of Toronto in Canada. 
Meta-analysis, Tim Gilmor.


IV - Tomatis News
Research conducted in collaboration with then existing centers, published in “Tomatis News” - 1980 - 1994.
The documents from studies I to IV are housed in the Museum of Professor Alfred Tomatis, at Mozart Brain Lab, Stationsstraat 36, 3800 Sint-Truiden, Belgium. These studies are supported by 44,000 personal documents authored by the professor and his research team.


V - Schools

1. Euskirchen, Germany
Research conducted by Jozef Vervoort in the Belgian Primary School of Euskirchen, Germany (1974 - 1975 school year). Children aged 5 were tested and compared between two similar primary schools - at the beginning and end of the experiment. Standard age-appropriate tests (Van Bever, Grosjean and Groven) were performed for fine motor skills, coordination, visual motor skills, and lateralization. The therapy was implemented in the classroom; great improvement was observed in children who received stimulation for one hour a day.
This study was published in “Kindergarten Magazine”, a special publication for Kindergartens by the Belgian Ministry of Education 


2. Europaschool, Genk, Belgium

Research led by Jozef Vervoort in a Primary School in Genk (Belgium).


3. “Attention! The Way to Success”, Poland​​

VI - University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy - 2014

Research in collaboration with Dr. Carmela Stillitano, University La Sapienza​


1. “From the Ear to the Voice and Colour” 
This wonderful study clearly shows that a 2000 Hz scotoma on air and bone conduction leads to poor voice control. In this study, Professor Tomatis' listening test and voice analysis using the Talk software were performed before and after the therapy. The measured energy levels of the evoked potentials were also given particular attention. In addition, the study contains an excellent analysis of drawings, both in form and colour, depending on the particular stimulation and the pieces of music that were used - Published in book form by Mozart Brain Lab, Belgium. [2014]

2. “The Effects of the Tomatis method on the Artistic Voice” - International Journal of Listening,  Rouledge - Taylor & Francis Group - July 27, 2016. 

This study, inspired by the previous one, clearly demonstrates the positive effect of the Tomatis method on the singer's voice. 

3. “The Effects of the Tomatis Method on Tinnitus” 
Stillitano, C.   Fioretti, A.   Cantagallo, M. Eibenstein, A. Tinnitus Center, European Hospital, Rome, Italy - Mozart Brain Lab, Sint-Truiden, Belgium. 2014

A remarkable study of the positive effects of Auditory brain stimulation on tinnitus.


VII - “Quantitative Effects of Auditory Stimulation according to the Tomatis Method. A Preliminary Study of Correlation between Tomatis Listening Test and Auditory Cognitive Evoked Potentials” 

Marine de Vandeul (MD), Jozef Vervoort, Jacques Grapperon, Tantely Razfimahéfa, Jean Vion-Dury. https:/ Document submitted October 11, 2019 

This experiment, carried out on children treated by audio-psycho-phonology and compared with children who have not received treatment, reveals clearly measurable results both in listening tests and in auditory evoked potentials, as well as within the response time.

VIII Der Audio-Psycho-Phonologische Ansatz nach Tomatis bei der Behandlung von Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen - Empirische Sonderpädagogik [Audio-psycho-phonology according to Tomatis in the treatment of children with attention disorders - empirical research in special education]. 2019 (n° 1, p. 81 – 92) - Professor Wolfgang Beelmann & Mareike Kopka  - “University of Applied Science”, Bielefeld, in collaboration with Jozef Vervoort and Astrid Vervoort, MBL.

This study focuses on the positive impact of the therapy on children with ADHD. 


IX - “The Improvement of Severe Psychomotor and Neurological Dysfunctions Treated with the Tomatis Audio-Psycho-Phonology Method Measured with EEG Brain Map and Auditory Evoked Potentials” 
Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 11 (4) 2007- Jozef Vervoort, Voigt and W. Van den Bergh MD.

This study provides amazing arguments about this therapeutic method, capable of producing clearly identifiable psychological and neurological improvements in children with severe disorders.


X - “Neural circuits underlying mother’s voice perception predict social communication abilities in children” 
Daniel A. Abrams, Tianwen Chen, Paola Odriozola, Katherine M. Cheng, Amanda E. Baker, Aarthi Padmanabhan, Srikanth Ryali, John Kochalka, Carl Feinstein, et Vinod Menon  - May 16, 2016

This excellent study is probably the most revealing document of Professor Tomatis' ideas and methodology and of our own work. Even if the mother utters meaningless words, the fetal brain functions are activated through her voice, including reward zones, emotions and facial recognition, demonstrating the impact of the mother’s voice on her child’s brain. This crucial activity provides a neural footprint of the child’s social communication skills. 


All studies that are not published online can be ordered from Mozart Brain Lab for the cost of a copy.

The study by Dr.  Beelman
The Journal of Neurotherapie study
The Stanford study by Abrams
The study by Dr Marine de Vandeul
Journal of neurotherapy-Study
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